• romantic jealousy scale    相關企業商業資訊
    1. 迎堤有限公司


      電話:02-29550130    地址:台北市北投區大度路3段297號2樓之2
    2. ESCA義絲卡~義法料理餐廳(新館籌備中....

      ...16"park.with beautiful view of the garden E.S.C.A is an elegant trendy and romantic dining place.坐落農十六公園旁,"義絲卡"呈現秀麗典雅的˙浪漫用餐氛圍我們有一家新餐廳即將在高雄市中正四路開幕,廚藝料理風格多元化,裝潢風格採用現代日本風格,...

      電話:07-5503899    地址:高雄市鼓山區大順一路972號,
    3. 活德資產管理有限公司

      ...nghai and Taiwan. Our club will serve fine dining and can also organize up-scale event. It will be the most prestigious and high-end private club in Shanghai Taiwan. Our clubs are target to launch around third quarter of year 2011 (Shanghai) and 2012 (Taiwan). We are now looking for professionals t...

      電話:02-77350037    地址:台北市信義區忠孝東路四段560號10樓之2地圖
    4. 安妮的收藏精品屋

      ...新優雅,也不忘加入chic的歐美街頭時尚風格.STYLE: Elegant, Romantic, Feminie but Trendy.優雅,浪漫並赋有女人味的時尚單品是我們不變的採購主軸…清新優雅的法式剪裁單品著重實穿易搭,細緻可人的獨特飾品讓整體造型完美加分.帶點Vintag...

      電話:02-27752173    地址:台北市大安區忠孝東路四段216巷32弄17號
    5. 盈大企業股份有限公司

      ...product market such as fabric, new energy products and etc. We are a small scale yet flexible company that emphasis good working environment and team work. Our key objective is to bring continuous added-values in services and products to our customers.

      電話:02-29575831    地址:新北市板橋區成都街61號一樓

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